We are students from 4to 9na from colegio Nacional Rafael Hernandez. We have done this blog for tourists. We think that this information can be usuful. The members of the group who made this blog are: Florencia Quero, Camila Herrera, Julian Toledo, Eugenia Escribano, Lucia Cuña and Magalí Garcia. We hope you enjoy your stay!

Information about La Plata

La Plata is the capital city of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. According to the 2001 census, the city  has a population of 574,369 and its metropolitan área has 694,253 inhabitants.

La Plata was planned and developed to serve as the provincial capital after the city of Buenos Aires was federalised in 1880, and it was officially founded by Governor Dardo Rocha on 19 November 1882. Its construction is fully documented in photographs by Tomás Bradley Sutton. La Plata was renamed Eva Perón cíty (Ciudad Eva Perón) between 1952 and 1955.
Weird and mysterious diagonal, green spaces, beautiful buildings, European accent, cultural walks, illustrious neighbors ... The capital of the Province of Buenos Aires has so many attractions that you must have a few days to travel from end to end. For the recreational area, structured from Iraola and Centennial Avenues, are the zoo, the Museum of Natural Sciences, football stadiums and Fitness Student and the Astronomical Observatory. Meanwhile, the axis is a succession of monumental buildings are evidence of the architectural richness of the place. And in one end, there is the famous forest of La Plata, a city full green giant designed on the basis of a eucalyptus forest park belonging to the residence of Martin Iraola. So attractive, fun and relaxed day and night, La Plata is a promise of surprises and fresh start.
Our Town at the now distant 1982 marked its first anniversary, a capital for the province born out of nothing, but the times were not the best ... in the days before life was a festive atmosphere: In the center of the square began work aimed at discovering the foundational gifts, those same Dardo Rocha along with his working group had placed a hundred years earlier for posterity. A large counter at Plaza Moreno, indicated the days until that great event ...Many things we left the centenary, first a separate Capital, preserved in its design but with changes in its construction, with many lost treasures that are just pictures. The demolitions that over time were devastating the architectural memory limit found in the recognition that once made the Municipality with good reason, but which must continue to work with the aim of expanding home care and things which until then were exposed to miss.I think it is too late to regret, we urge citizens to the preservation of buildings erected, seek the shelter of our heritage, restore for future generations to know and enjoy, continue with the afforestation project that has always differentiated us other cities and come to occupy so important a plane, first for those who live in the City and secondly to have a place willing to be known by visitors ...


The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception is the largest Gothic Revival Temple of South America, which began building in 1884 and opened in 1932, coinciding with the fiftieth anniversary of the city, although it was not until 1999 that the works were completedwith the completion of its two towers.
From one of them, which is accessed by lift, you can see the perfect layout of the city.
This magnificent temple was erected in front of the Plaza Moreno, in the block through the streets 14 and 15 and 51 and 53 Avenues.
With exposed brick, red, beautifully distinctive, has become the symbol characteristic of La Plata. Its area is 7000 square meters, can accommodate 14,000 people, and measures 120 meters long and 76 from the front. Taken to the cross, the height reaches 97 meters, while the gleaming towers reach 112 meters.
By decision of Dardo Rocha, and although the plans were completed a year later, on April 30, 1884 is recognized as the date of laying the foundation stone.
The Cathedral of La Plata is inspired by the Gothic cathedrals of Amiens (France) and Cologne (Germany). In the original plan designed by Peter Benoit and Ernest Mayer foresaw the construction of three towers, which were left unfinished.
The Executive Unit Cathedral, a provincial agency created to carry out the restoration, enhancement of the building and completion of the work, divided the work into three stages.
On the one hand the restoration and preservation of the building suffered serious damage on your walls, ceilings and windows. In these tasks took forty sculptors, ceramists, architects and conservation specialists. It is estimated that the cathedral is covered by 12 million bricks.
Another work done by the Implementation Unit was strengthening the foundations of the towers. We used modern techniques and machines micropiling special tubes to carry 2,000 tons of additional weight was added to each.
The third and last work was the construction of the two giant towers of 112 meters each, which were completed such as Benoit and Mayer had originally designed.
The towers have a first tranche of brick that extends to 63 feet high. The second takes up 20 feet and was built in white stone simil. The last section, 30 meters high, is completely made of copper.These tasks are added to the four towers of 56 meters and two that reach 39 meters. In addition, 200 sets of pinnacles organized into 20 types, including 33 major and 761 smaller needles.
Each of the nine towers express a message. The cruise is the Pantocrator. Front View, the main tower on the right represents the Virgin Mary, there is the bell tower, while the left represents Jesus Christ. The four high towers allude to the cardinal virtues: Fortitude, Justice, Prudence and Temperance.
As the original project arise Benoit, 56 religious images emerge that are represented on the front and the main towers. The major piece is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception and is situated on the main gable. The accompanying thirteen in the portal. The rest is in the main tower building the life of Jesus and Mary.
Another stunning piece is the stained glass rose window, which since 1998 shows off its colors on the front of the temple, an artistic work consisting of 180 square meters for 25,000 pieces.This stained glass window occupies the central warhead and is the first to be built in the workshop of the church, which was joined by others.
Today, the Cathedral looks complete with six side towers completed and rolled copper, and with 800 pinnacles placed with willing ornamentation across the front.
Thus, with the six already completed side towers and pinnacles built, the temple of the city completed to realize the dream of who designed the Cathedral.
Address: 14 between 51 and 53. Phone: (0221) 427-3504.Hours: Monday through Saturday from 9 to 19, Sundays and holidays from 9 to 20 hs.


The Legislature is situated on the Plaza San Martin, in the blockthrough the streets 7, 51, 8 and 53.
The design corresponded to the German architects Gustav Heineand George Hagemann, of Hanover, who was awarded theInternational Project Competition organized by the provincialgovernment brand in 1881.
Charles Nordman was the architect who directed the work of thisclassical building, with entrances on Ionic entablatures withsymbolic sculptures of law, on the street 7, of the Constitution, on51, and Gloria, on 53.
The reliefs that adorn the walls showing the history and wealth of our country.
The furniture was purchased in France in 1887, Damon's housein Paris, and the ceiling of the floor of the House of Representatives was painted by Graziano Mendilaharazu.


Founded in 1907 with the Victorian style, has one of the most complete collections of native plants and animals in the country.
The diaries of the late nineteenth century tell of the existence of a small collection of animals located in the emerging Paseo del Bosque, near the historic founding of the former Estancia Iraola.
This is how the October 16, 1907, at the initiative of the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Ignacio Irigoyen, is founded the Zoo de La Plata by law 3059, which in its first article reads: "authorize the Executive to invest up to the sum of 5,000 pesos national currency in the formation of a Zoo Walk in the Forest of this city. "
Its first director, Alfredo Plot, was responsible for defining the main roads inside and distribution environments. The initial tasks were performed by internal site of a penal settlement which was then located where today is the School of Technical Education "Albert Thomas".
At its inception, the collection of animals was very low and the actual Plot-who conceived the site as a place for recreation and entertainment of their fellow-donated his particular endowment of birds. She founded a school of poultry, rabbit and bee keeping on the farm, which operated for four years where it is now called the fire station in the city. At that time the family lived inside the Plot Garden in a wooden house that was located near Avenue 52 and the current 115.
Years later, comes to the direction of the zoo one of the leading figures who govern their destiny: Carlos Marelli who succeeded Plot from 1918, remaining in office until 1940. This naturalist, a solid academic background, marked a milestone for the institution, making it a first line center in the country and abroad.During his tenure the property was remodeled and incorporated plant trees and shrubs from around the world, going to also become Botanical Garden.
Also incorporated many animal species considered "rare" for the collections of the time, the enclosures were renovated and new ones were built. Many of these rooms, inspired by the Victorian conception of the time, were replicas of the most important European zoos as the flag of ungulates (today designed to rhinos), which in turn-often-imitated the architecture of the countries origin of the animals that they were exhibited.
Another of his achievements was to turn the zoo into a center of advanced zoology. Research papers were published together in a collection of more than ten volumes that constituted the "Memoirs of the Zoological Gardens of La Plata" and in which intermingle scientific contributions in the areas of zoology, anthropology, genetics, evolution, veterinary, fisheries , frog culture, with the early work of conservation and protection of endangered species.
In 1979, after relying on the Ministries of Public Works and Land Affairs in the province of Buenos Aires, the zoo became part of the Department of Landscape of the Municipality of the city of La Plata. In subsequent steps were carried out new activities and projects. We can mention at this stage, among other contributions, the realization of the first sample for the blind (1991), the training of candidates for carers (1993) and the realization of scientific and technical exchanges with provincial agencies and other zoological research locals.
Today, with a world battered by an anthropocentric worldview and threatened biodiversity, which are called to protect, feel the need to develop coherent proposals that we avoid falling into distress and despair of seeing animals die or live poorly locked in cages of punishment.
On this basis and bearing in mind that the success of a zoo depends, among other things, the capacity for survival and reproduction of the species in his collection, the interactions between them can be established and the possibility that this may be experienced by those who visit, it should raise a conceptual and pragmatic deconstruction and provide innovative alternatives.
The objectives that move the site today include:
Provide a broad overview of the patterns and processes that have caused biodiversity to contribute to the education of future generations by encouraging a love of nature and ethics of conservation includes sustainable use of natural resources.Encourage scientific research concerning the natural history, ecology, reproduction, behavior, taxonomy and distribution of plant and animal species Neotropical, especially those existing in the Zoological Gardens, in order to deepen the knowledge of them as the only alternative to ensure their conservation and ecosystems.Develop breeding and management of threatened or in retreat numerical order to contribute to the decrease of the events of regional biodiversity loss by designing conservation strategies.Adhere to the projects to protect biodiversity:Raising in one place.Give priority to our animals.The zoo must fund maintenance projects to conserve space.Address: Paseo del Bosque s / n. Phone: (0221) 427-3925.Hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 9 to 18.http://www.jardinzoologico.laplata.gov.ar/zoologico/sitio.htm


The Astronomical Observatory of La Plata was one of the first inhabitants of the Paseo del Bosque and its creation was due toa law passed in October 1882.

History tells us that the news of the passage of the planet Venus across the solar disk in 1882 prompted the provincialgovernment commissioned the house that year Gautier of Paris,a telescope and its auxiliary equipment.

La Plata Observatory is home to the School of Astronomy and Geophysics, the first research center devoted to Latin America,created in 1935.

Museum of La Plata

Founded in 1888 in a neoclassical style and ornamentation Columbian, has more than 3 million objects in its collection, including large mammals stand Tertiary and Quaternary fossils and archaeological and ethnographic collections.It has 21 permanent exhibition halls that present objects of geology, flora, fauna and cultures, mainly from South America.This large oval Greco-Roman building is one of the key links of the cultural and scientific life of La Plata, but its location is part of the Paseo del Bosque. Visited annually by a million people, is the largest Natural History Museum of Spanish-speaking world and one of the most renowned for its collections and scientific work at the international level.Installed in 1884, this giant 135-meter oval of 60, was the brainchild of its founder, the Perito Moreno Pascasio Francisco, whose collections were the initial base of two million pieces currently classified and higher education for natural sciences.In 1906 the Museum became part of the University. Since then is the largest Latin American naturalists, with 120 chairs in the departments of Anthropology, Botany, Geology, Ecology, Paleontology and Zoology.The most important collections of fossil vertebrates are the Cenozoic, the archeology, ethnography and anthropology, entomology, the current American vertebrates, those of botany and ethnobotany, the current fossil invertebrates and mineralogy to those added by donations, important examples of pre-Columbian cultures and also the Egyptian room.Some collections, like those of vertebrate fossils are unique in the world.Today is a tiny fraction of them in the 23 halls of travel, but is designed to expand the existing structure through an underground ring 400 meters long and 10 meters wide.Educational Service Museo de La Plata. Tel: (0221) 423-4925 / 425-7744 / 9161 ext. 133e-mail: servguia@fcnym.unlp.edu.arPhone: (54-221) 425-7744 / 9161 / 9638 Fax: (54-221) 425-7527Hours: Tuesdays through Sundays from 10 to 18 hours.www.fcnym.unlp.edu.ar / museum

Children's Republic

This popular educational theme park of 53 hectares has all scale buildings: castles, palaces, oriental, public buildings, farm, wharf, the train that runs through the property and its stations.The magical and enchanting Children's Republic rose half a century ago in an area of ​​53 hectares located in the town of Manuel B. Gonnet, General Belgrano on the road, of La Plata, on land belonging to the old golf course "Swift Golf Club" designed to refrigerators English settlers in the region.Construction, which began in 1949 during the governorship of Domingo Mercante was made by the company and financed caprese provincial Investor through the Institute of the Province of Buenos Aires, in order to build the complex in record time. In 1600 construction workers who worked in the barracks housed within the same site.After two years of continuous work, was finally inaugurated on November 26, 1951 by then-president Juan Domingo Perón's Office. Since then, numerous contingents of students in our city, with the participation of schools in the province of Buenos Aires, choose Child Government authorities and discussed in the enclosures different topics of interest from his eyes girl.Considered the largest enterprise in Latin America child and first theme park in America, the Children's Republic was founded with a dual purpose: creative entertainment in a world of dreams and stories related to children and learn to exercise the rights andobligations that in any democratic country citizens have.Legend has it that in those years, the renowned Walt Disney visited the site and surprised by such beauty, was inspired to build what would later be little Disneyland in California City.The landscape of the Republic of Children presents hilly areas, landscaped green spaces, aged woods with a variety of species and a central depression that natural drainage of water make a lake with islands.The site is sectorized in three areas: urban, rural and sports. The urban area has trails, streets and buildings that are a unique central axis called the Civic Center buildings are concentrated housing the institutions of the Government of the Republic. Children being the recipients of this wonderful endeavor, the founding objective was to build the buildings to their level so they can experience the working of republican institutions, formed on democratic principles.Castles, Palaces oriental restaurants, public buildings and even the chapel where Mass is usually officiate, respect the law as well as furniture.The reduction according to 10 year olds has not taken charm or ability to enjoy the ride by adults but, by contrast, forces them to go back to your childhood.The equipment designer and executor of the work was led by architects Lima, Cuenca and Gallo who took inspiration from the tales of Andersen, the Brothers Grimm and the legends told by Tennyson and Mallory to plan and manage its construction style influencesmedieval European and Islamic.The Child City Bank building located opposite the main square, Plaza San Martin, is a replica of the Ducal Palace in Venice, near where stands another building, the Palace of Culture, inspired by the Taj Mahal in Agra, India , where is headquartered International Doll Museum.The chapel, dedicated to the Virgin of Lourdes, with large flat roofs Normans, side galleries and bell towers, the Government House with Gothic windows topped by a roof of imaginative ways by way of high towers and lookouts , close to Plaza San Martin.Around the Plaza de las Americas, located at the opposite end and connected by a pedestrian street lined with shops, the Legislature is inspired by the English Parliament, which houses the precincts of the Chamber of Deputies and Senators of the Government Children the Republic, made up of students from local schools.A large playground faces the Palace of Justice building his courtroom, offices and a small underground prison.It also has a radio studio "Radio República", the first children's radio in the country, with access to the gallery that separates the plaza with the surrounding space.Outside of this sector are located buildings such as the Stadium, the House of the Child, the buildings of the Navy, Army and Air Force.The Children's Republic, which since 1979 passed the provincial to the municipal level, is unique in the world is a child where he lives citizenship education, recreation, educational, cultural, social, scientific and sports.Address: Camino General Belgrano and 501, Gonnet.Hours: Monday to Sunday from 10 to 18.www.republica.laplata.gov.ar

Teatro Coliseo Podesta Municipal

The Coliseo Podesta called the Municipal Theatre is located on Calle 10 No. 733 between 46 and 47 of the city of La Plata, capital of the province of Buenos Aires in Argentina.1Theatre in the Italian shoe made by the Uruguayan Carlos Zehndorf was originally called Teatro Olimpo Politeama opened November 19, 1886 with Rossini's opera, The Barber of Seville by the tenor Roberto Stagno and Gemma Bellincioni.The following year it was acquired by John Joseph Podesta (Podesta Pepe), who became the seat of the representations of the theater pioneer Rio de la Plata.The opera premiered in Buenos Aires before and acted as Remete Lacconi important figures, Margarita Xirgu, Marian Anderson, Arthur Rubinstein, Lola Membrives and others.

Training activities:

Performance and danceMunicipal Coliseum Theatre Podesta implemented actor preparation courses for children and adolescents. In addition to a Flamenco Dance School with prestigious professors.In the Foyer on the first floor there is a new space for cultural expression with the creation of a permanent exhibition hall for temporary exhibitions to accommodate all forms of art.Guided tours of the Theatre MuseumThe direction of the Teatro Coliseo Podesta made available to the public and especially students of all levels the service "tours" to the Theatre Museum in order to make known the history of the Cultural Heritage "cradle of our national theater rioplatense" . The visits consist of a tour unprecedented, not only for the spaces are already known, but also for those places closed to the public attending the shows and they contain the history and magic that owns the theater, such as the Stables, located below the floor of the pit.For more information contact staff at 424-8457 Teatro Coliseo Podesta, Monday through Friday, 9 to 12 hours.Address: Calle 10 between 46 and 47. Phone: (0221) 424-8457.Tickets: every day from 15 to 20 hours.

ESTADIO ÚNICO (single stage)

The city of La Plata Stadium, also known as Stage One was opened for the first time on 7 June 2003, and is located between the streets 32, 526, 25 and 21.

Games were played in the First Division of Argentine football. Hosted the final of the Sudamerican cup and the Libertadores cup final in America.

The property also performed recitals in various bands ad even more recently after it was roofed.